Thursday, May 14, 2015

Life Choices

Sorry I've been absent as of late.  Since my last post, we finally found a house, our offer was accepted, and we got all of our ducks in a row to close next month.  Plus I've been wrapping up school duties, clearing out old textbooks and materials to make room for new ones and growing bigger by the minute (32 weeks pregnant as of this coming Sunday).   Needless to say, life is crazy.. which is kind of what I want to touch on.

I once saw a diagram that gave the options of happy kids, clean house, and sanity.  It says to pick two.  I couldn't help but giggle at it because it's so true.  Moms are lucky to be able to pick two on a good day.. some are just one.

I am known to always be in a rush and often stressed.  I cut things closer than I should and leave cleaning until it's so unbearable that I need to clean for hours until it's acceptable again.

As our big move approaches as well as the birth of Little Miss, I couldn't help but realize how much I was focused on keeping life running rather than enjoying life as it was happening.  I'd be doing dishes and Little Man would come up to me with a book asking to read, but I'd tell him no because dishes needed to be done.

I had quite the epiphany this morning, however.  My husband has been traveling almost every day for work this week, so I've been responsible in the mornings not only for myself, but getting Little Man ready too.  It makes time tight, but we always eventually get out the door.  I was getting ready and about to put on my makeup and he came up to me with a book.  So rather than take my last five minutes to put on makeup, I spent those last five minutes going through his favorite book (animals) with him for the 567th time in his life.  I held on to him, kissed him, quizzed him on animals and their noises and just soaked in those precious five minutes.  As I was driving us to daycare, it just hit me how I've been taking baby steps lately to focus on him rather than focus on cleaning, being on time, or looking presentable.  Those five minutes I got with him this morning, I will never have them again.  I cannot express how thankful I am to have realized this and to have started making steps in the right direction without having anything major happen.

My to-do list is a mile long.  Every time I cross something off, I add two more things to it lately.  But Little Man, hubby, and eventually Little Miss need to STAY at the top of that list.

I want to be a good mother.  I want to be a good wife.  And I am slowly starting to realize that being those things means taking time for them, not keeping a clean house or keeping our schedule running.  Sometimes being five minutes late just to get in some extra snuggles is the best thing I can do.

Any readers I do have out there, I encourage you to put down that phone... to let those dishes stay dirty a day longer... to not fold the laundry tonight.  Play with your children, spend some time with your spouse... even treat yourself to some "time off".  Everything else will still be there tomorrow.  But this time you waste that could be with your family... that time can never come back.

photo from

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